21 Apr Twoobii makes education easier
Podile Primary School is located within Waterberg District in GA- MOLEKANA, Southern Africa. The school was selected to be part of a programme to improve learner outcomes in local communities. Through access to quality education the programme focused on eliminating poverty, inequality and unemployment. The programme relies on reliable communication infrastructure and access for 35 computer tablets.
The Challenge
The school is located in a rural community area which is a typical “off-grid” location with only limited LTE communication service available. The challenge was to provide high reliable trusted broadband service to support the learning programs and ensure ongoing classes. A well-established Mining House in the area stepped up to the challenge and committed funding and contracted Skylink Africa to provide the required communication.
The Solution
Skylink Africa is a certified Twoobii Channel partner with strong experience in providing on-site Wi-Fi networks linked to the satellite broadband service.
Skylink Africa implemented a Unifi WiFi Network and installed a Twoobii smart satellite terminal with Pro-20, 20Mpbs service providing a 200GB data bundle. The Twoobii terminal provides the reliable communication required.
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