28 Oct High-availability with Auto-failover for 100% uptime.
Twoobii was recently contacted by a cast iron ore mine in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa with very limited telecom infrastructure. Considering that it takes 4000 truckloads to load one ore carrying shipping vessel to capacity, the pressure on operations is clear and to meet the ever-increasing demand, the mine has operated 24 hours each day.
The Challenge
Mining operations depended on timeous interaction and communications between the weigh bridge where the trucks were loaded and the gate from where the trucks gain access to the mine. Without communications the trucks can’t be scheduled and production stops. Operations are in a very remote location and can’t relay on support call-outs to resolve link failures on time.
This means the mine needs a very reliable communication link and with preferable no downtime required to repair any possible equipment failures
The Solution
Q-KON engineered a special 1+1 high-availability solution that consisted of dual satellite terminals each with 99.95% uptime in an automatic failover configuration. The outcome is a very cost effective near 100% uptime service powered from hybrid solar and generator solution. Additional wireless links were included to provide service to all the operational points.
“Our business suffered by not having communications at the mine, but since we had the high availability Twoobii satellite solution installed, we are now in constant contact with our employees, and our business processes are running semi-automated.”
-General Manager
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